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A man (age 55) was assaulted using a knife.

A 55-year-old man was assaulted on Whit Sunday in Speyer by three assailants who brandished a knife at him, stole his necklace, and asked for cash and his mobile phone.

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Speyer's latest news. - A man (age 55) was assaulted using a knife.

The culprits are said to be around 5'11'' tall, in their early to mid-20s, with dark skin. The main offender had a beard and was seen wearing black jeans and a dark hooded sweatshirt. When the perpetrators demanded more cash, the victim headed to a nearby bank. However, the culprits promptly left, potentially because a car with OG plates was parked in front of the bank. The individual who was driving this vehicle and any other witnesses who might have more information regarding the three criminals are requested to reach out to the Speyer police at 06232/137-0 or [email protected].

This text was created with the assistance of AI and is a reworded version of the original information provided by the authorities.

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