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A man, 40 years old, is fined 6,390 euros to evade incarceration.

In place of prison time, a 40-year-old individual settled a debt of 6,390 euros through two separate fines.

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Along the Rhine, Weil resides. - A man, 40 years old, is fined 6,390 euros to evade incarceration.

On a Thursday night (09.05.24), customs officers stopped a German citizen at Basel Badischer Bahnhof while he was leaving Germany. Upon further inspection, they discovered that the man was wanted for two arrest warrants. He had been fined 5400 euros for driving without a license and only managed to pay 4360 euros of that fine. Additionally, he owed a 1350 euro fine for breaking the Narcotics Act.

Not able to come up with the remaining fees on his own, a relative paid the authorities 6390 euros for him. Consequently, the man could carry on with his journey back to Switzerland.

Note: The information in this text is from official sources and was assisted in its creation by an AI.

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