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A man (24) collides his Mercedes with a light rail train.

A 24-year-old individual had a car accident involving a light rail vehicle on Hedelfinger Straße on Sunday, resulting in only slight injuries for the man.

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Stuttgart-Wangen: referring to a location in Stuttgart, Germany. - A man (24) collides his Mercedes with a light rail train.

A young driver was making his way towards Hedelfingen at approximately 3:30 PM when he had to navigate a closed lane, causing him to enter the traffic circle headed in the wrong direction. Unfortunatey, he ended up crashing into a light rail vehicle on the U9 line that was traveling toward Wangen. The incident caused damages estimated to be around 18,000 euros.

Those who saw the accident are encouraged to report the incident to the traffic police by reaching out to them at +4971189904100.

This account is sourced directly from official reports and was assisted by an artificial intelligence.

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