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A male corpse was found in the woods.

A man's unidentified corpse was stumbled upon in a wooded region near Rottenburg on Thursday afternoon. The unfortunate discovery occurred south of the campsite adjacent to Schadenweiler Hof in the Geißhalde area, with passers-by reporting it to law enforcement around 1:40 pm.

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The Headline Concerning Rottenburg - A male corpse was found in the woods.

The body was likely left there for a few days and is yet to be identified. The Police Department in Tübingen is working on identifying the man and understanding how he passed away. There are currently no known hints of foul play. The public prosecutor's office in Tübingen requested an autopsy, but it's not finalized yet.

This unidentified man is around 185 cm tall and weighs approximately 85 kilograms. He has short, dark, and bristly hair. He either has a high or receding hairline on his forehead. There's a three-day grown-out beard. He may have been wearing glasses. He sported glasses with slim, black frames and square lenses. His outfit consisted of a black wool jacket that covered his backside, a light gray zippered hooded shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. He also had a black, woolly hat with him.

If you have any information on this man's identity, know someone similar or can share any relevant observations, please contact the Rottenburg police station on 07472/9801-0, or the Tübingen police station on 07071/972-8660.

The information in this text comes from official authority resources and involved the assistance of artificial intelligence.

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