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A grocer discovers over 1,000 kilograms of cocaine.

Achievement for drug enforcement in Hesse!

Schmuggler hatten versucht, die Drogen zwischen Bananen zu verstecken
Schmuggler hatten versucht, die Drogen zwischen Bananen zu verstecken

Customs Notches Victory - A grocer discovers over 1,000 kilograms of cocaine.

A team of investigators from the Frankfurt Customs Office and the Hesse Criminal Investigation Department succeeded in confiscating roughly half a ton of cocaine. The illicit substance had been concealed in banana boxes, which had journeyed a great distance before falling into the hands of the authorities.

"Initial evidence suggests that the drug was initially smuggled from South America to Europe by sea and later, stowed away in banana boxes, on the ground route to Germany," a representative from the customs office explains. This massive haul made its way to the warehouse of a food retailer in the Gießen district, where officials intercepted it.

After discovering unusual packages among the fruit itself, the dealer notified the authorities. Teams from both customs and police subsequently examined over 5,000 banana boxes for any discrepancies. The Main Customs Office in Gießen assisted in these efforts.

Further investigations regarding the case are being conducted by the GER Hessen on behalf of the Gießen Public Prosecutor's Office.

Rund 5000 Kisten wurden durch die Ermittler durchsucht
Päckchen mit rund 500 Kilo der verbotenen Substanz wurden sichergestellt

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