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A German would need to work for 94 years to receive the EU pension offered by Krah.

China intelligence operations, Russia's coal trade, Höcke's fiasco - plus an SS scandal; leading European candidate Maximilian Krah (47) is unfazed. The AfD party's support has declined following Easter (currently at 17%). One individual remains unaffected by this: scandal-plagued Krah himself....

This is how he likes it: AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah with oysters and langoustines. The...
This is how he likes it: AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah with oysters and langoustines. The taxpayer also allows him to do this in his old age

Right-wing party's scandal-plagued nominee - A German would need to work for 94 years to receive the EU pension offered by Krah.

On a Wednesday morning, the federal executive prohibited him from attending all party and election functions. He anticipated his removal from the party leadership by resigning from the federal executive.

In Dresden, Krah, also known as "Schampus Max," isn't bothered by this turn of events: The AfD can't plummet any further before the June 9 election such that he won't regain his seat in the EU Parliament. He will still make it to parliament — and keep pocketing the riches.

What Maximilian Krah's perks include

It doesn't make a difference whether you support or oppose "Schampus Max."

Krah (center) can continue to look forward to a fat salary - party leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel have long since stopped laughing

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