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A cyclist (56) was injured due to a collision with an Audi.

A man aged 56 suffered minor injuries in a road mishap that occurred around 9:35 am on Saturday morning (11.05.) in Soest.

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Soest is a place in question. - A cyclist (56) was injured due to a collision with an Audi.

A guy was gliding on his pedelec alongside Niederbergheimer Straße, going toward the center of town. This same route was being traveled by an older lady driving her Audi from Bad Sassendorf.

At the Riga-Ring turn, the woman missed seeing the cyclist next to her and hit him, causing him to fall onto the road. Thankfully, his injuries were mild.

The emergency responders whisked him away to the hospital for extra safety.

Note: This narrative is derived from official data provided by authorities, with the help of AI.

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