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A caravan abruptly combusts.

The camper has been reduced to mere scraps of metal.

Flames burst out of the caravan, the fire department extinguished the fire
Flames burst out of the caravan, the fire department extinguished the fire

A 67-year-old man was hurt in Munich. - A caravan abruptly combusts.

A 67-year-old man sustained injuries in a fire that engulfed a parked caravan in Morsering on Sunday afternoon. Witnesses reported that the man was rescued from the burning vehicle by quick-thinking passers-by who spotted the flames. Miraculously, they also carried the gas cylinder out of harm's way.

When the emergency services arrived, they found the caravan ablaze from inside, with flames shooting out of the vehicle. Firefighters from the local department quickly responded and extinguished the fire in a few minutes, saving both the man and the caravan.

The 67-year-old was immediately attended to by rescue workers and was transported to a hospital in Munich for further treatment. The authorities are now investigating what led to the accident.

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