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A 59-year-old man experiences a stroke while driving.

In the early afternoon of May 18, 2024, a 59-year-old driver from Marlow veered off the L181 road connecting Marlow and Kneese, resulting in a crash that led to his vehicle landing in a ditch.

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Location: Ribnitz-Damgarten Description: L181 - A 59-year-old man experiences a stroke while driving.

A man managed to escape his Nissan Juke after an accident, experiencing a shock but no visible injuries. However, a medical exam showed possible signs of a stroke, causing him to be rushed to Rostock University Hospital. The vehicle was deemed unreliable and had to be towed away. The preliminary damage estimate stands at approximately 15,000 euros.

Official information from the authorities utilized in the creation of this text, with input from AI.

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