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A 55-year-old worker tumbles six meters through a roof.

In the overseas port of Rostock, a worker (55) experienced a horrific accident on Saturday morning by falling six meters onto a concrete floor.

Rescuers use a turntable ladder to rescue the seriously injured man
Rescuers use a turntable ladder to rescue the seriously injured man

Drama unfolds at Rostock's seaport - A 55-year-old worker tumbles six meters through a roof.

Around 7:30 AM, co-workers of a 55-year-old man contacted emergency services and reported a horrific fall through a hall ceiling.

Rescue With a Turntable Ladder

Police officers, firefighters, and paramedics arrived at the "Power Oil" facility in the street Am Düngemittelkai, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They used a turntable ladder to reach the victim, who had landed on a six-meter-high concrete platform.

Amazingly, the 55-year-old man survived the fall. On-site medical professionals treated the severely injured individual. With the help of a stretcher and a turntable ladder cage, they transported him to the ground and took him to the university hospital via ambulance.

In the trauma room, doctors discovered an elbow fracture, a head laceration, and other injuries.

Criminal Investigation Department Involved

After the accident, the criminal investigation department gathered evidence from the company premises.

It's still unknown how the accident happened. Initial reports suggest the 55-year-old man was trying to inspect an air conditioning unit on the roof when he lost his balance.

No violations of safety regulations have been found thus far.

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