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A 55-year-old laborer plummets six meters from a room ceiling.

On May 25th, 2024, a 55-year-old employee experienced significant injuries in an workplace incident that took place at a company within Rostock's port.

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The port of Rostock is a significant maritime facility. - A 55-year-old laborer plummets six meters from a room ceiling.

At 7:30 am, authorities were informed that a worker had fallen through the roof of a hall and plummeted approximately six meters down. Upon arrival, emergency responders tended to the gravely injured man on the scene before transporting him to Rostock University Hospital for additional medical care. Initial evaluations suggest the 55-year-old sustained an elbow fracture and a head trauma.

The criminal investigations department gathered evidence related to the incident. It is believed the victim was on the roof to inspect an air conditioning unit. The reason behind the fall remains a mystery and is currently being investigated further. The LAGuS has been notified of the event. Preliminary checks did not uncover any violations of safety or health and safety standards.

[This text is derived from official statements by the authorities, generated with the aid of AI.]

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