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A 54-year-old taxi driver was fatally hit by a Touran vehicle.

A powerful collision resulted in the Audi TT's windshield shattering, while sections of its hood were ripped off. Tragically, a 54-year-old man lost his life in the accident. The driver of a Touran, aged 30, had collided with the Audi TT head-on.

The smashed hood was pushed into the windscreen of the Audi TT on impact. The driver (54) died
The smashed hood was pushed into the windscreen of the Audi TT on impact. The driver (54) died

Traffic accident approaching Bad Dürkheim. - A 54-year-old taxi driver was fatally hit by a Touran vehicle.

The cars were cruising along the B 37, the stretch that connects Bruch industrial estate and A 650's junction near Bad Dürkheim (Rhineland-Palatinate). It was around 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday when this incident took place.

"As per our current knowledge, a VW Touran slammed into an oncoming Audi TT on the wrong side of the road," the police representative explained.

We don't yet know why the male driver of the Touran decided to veer into oncoming traffic.

The person in the driver's seat of the Audi, a 30-year-old individual, perished on the spot. The man driving the Touran sustained serious wounds.

An expert is currently working to shed light on how this collision happened. The B37 had to remain shut for a considerable period while authorities examined the accident.

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