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A 52-year-old man publicly urinates and insults police officers.

On May 17, 2024, at approximately 12:35 p.m., a man created a commotion at Stendal's main station by relieving himself openly and exposing his private parts.

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Stendal's central train station - A 52-year-old man publicly urinates and insults police officers.

Two undercover police officers, heading to work, tried to stop a 52-year-old man from committing a vile act. Despite their warnings, the man insulted them and threatened one officer with physical harm. Fortunately, his colleague managed to prevent him from engaging in violence.

Once a Stendal police patrol arrived, they issued the man a misdemeanor ticket for defiling railway property. When the officers attempted to move him along, he continued his abusive behavior. It was then discovered that two prosecutors were actively seeking his whereabouts for distinct criminal cases.

The man was subsequently barred from entering Stendal train station and now faces charges of desecrating facilities, verbal attacks, threatening behavior, creating public disturbance, as well as assault and attempted assault. The justice system has been made aware of these developments.

Note: This text was derived from official authorities' information and generated using an AI tool.

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