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A 48-year-old man goes missing following a visit to his family.

In late April, Sebastian Klein of the Horn district went missing. The 48-year-old patiently spent time with his relatives in Schleswig-Holstein before suddenly vanishing.

Sebastian Klein from Hamburg-Horn has been missing since the end of April
Sebastian Klein from Hamburg-Horn has been missing since the end of April

Hamburg authorities seek assistance - A 48-year-old man goes missing following a visit to his family.

Sebastian Klein hasn't shown up at work since the end of April, and all attempts to locate him have failed. The Hamburg police believe he might have put himself in danger, so they're asking for the public's help.

The missing man is roughly 1.8 meters tall, has a solid build, and is rocking a dark brown beard that hasn't been shaved for a few days. He also needs glasses to see clearly.

There's a possibility that he could be on the road in his red Citroen C1, with the license plate IZ-AK 3456, according to the police.

If you've seen or heard anything about Sebastian, please contact the police at 040 - 4286-56789.

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