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A 46-year-old man targets women using sex toys for harassment.

Over the past few days, a number of females have experienced harassment and verbal abuse from an exhibitionist in Lohne.

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Salaries - A 46-year-old man targets women using sex toys for harassment.

A 46-year-old man from Lohne is under investigation for indecent exposure incidents that happened between May 10 and May 11, 2024. Earlier in April, he had attracted attention for similar events.

On May 10, at around 1:30 pm, a 26-year-old woman reported that a man had pulled down his trousers and exposed himself to her in a bush on Am Hövel street.

Later that day, at around 5:30 pm, another incident occurred on Falkenweg, where the perpetrator exposed himself to a 48-year-old woman and performed sexual acts on her.

At around 7:15 pm on May 11, a man emerged from a bush in Dinklager Straße, dropped his pants, and performed sexual acts on his exposed genitals in front of a 21-year-old victim.

Within half an hour, at around 7:45 pm, the man allegedly molested a 67-year-old woman in Kantstraße between Rehwiese and Pferdewiese, near a small wooden bridge. He harassed her with a sex toy.

The police are currently considering these incidents as connected, and the 46-year-old man from Lohne is being investigated. Anyone with information or who has been a victim is asked to contact the police in Vechta (Tel.: 04441/943-0) or Lohne (Tel.: 04442/80846-0).

This text is a paraphrased version of the original one, which is based on official information from the authorities and was created using AI.

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