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A 46-year-old e-scooter rider was nabbed with narcotics in possession.

A 46-year-old e-scooter operator faced a traffic control in Altenbacher Straße, Bad Dürkheim, at around 00:15 on the night of May 15, 2024, as there were clear signs that he was drugged.

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Poor Dürkheim - A 46-year-old e-scooter rider was nabbed with narcotics in possession.

Police observed behavior and symptoms linked to drug use in a 46-year-old man. A roadside drug test indicated the presence of THC in his system. A subsequent search turned up 5 grams of hashish, and the officers confiscated it. The man now faces charges of driving while impaired by drugs.

The scooter he was riding carried an insurance license plate issued in 2021, which is against the law since it's a violation of the Compulsory Insurance Act's regulations.

This story is based on formal data released by authorities. AI technology assisted with the story's creation.

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