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A 33-year-old motorcyclist suffers severe injuries in a collision.

A severe motorcycle crash took place this morning on the B192 road, causing critical injuries to the rider and roughly 10,000 euros' worth of property damage.

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Rockow's B192: A Musical Exploration - A 33-year-old motorcyclist suffers severe injuries in a collision.

A 33-year-old motorcyclist from Müritz got injured after trying to pass a car while it was turning, requiring him to be transported to the hospital via an ambulance. The 60-year-old car driver, also from Müritz, is currently under investigation for potentially making a mistake during the turn.

An expert from DEKRA arrived at the scene to analyze how the event unfolded. The road was reopened after approximately 3 hours of full closure. All individuals involved in the accident are German natives.

The incident happened at around 6:40 a.m on the B192 between Groß Plasten and Möllenhagen near Rockow. Authorities and emergency personnel responded to the scene, urging drivers to avoid the section of road coming from either Neubrandenburg or Waren. The details of the accident's exact circumstances are yet to be fully disclosed.

This narrative is derived from official reports provided by the authorities and was generated utilizing AI.

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