Two teenagers killed in a head-on collision caused by intoxicated driving - A 26-year-old inebriated motorist will serve a three-year prison sentence.
On a Wednesday, a judge declared the 26-year-old defendant guilty for two counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of negligent bodily harm, and negligent endangerment of road traffic. It's important to note that this verdict is not yet final.
► The tragic incident took the lives of two young individuals, shaking up the lives of three families. "For what purpose, though?" The judge questioned the defendant. He said that by getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol, the accused purposely played with danger, resulting in the loss of these two lives.
A 17-year-old survivor lost her twin sister in this accident, which significantly impacted her life. She had to halt her education due to the aftermath. She continues to suffer from nightmares, fears getting behind the wheel, refuses to ride or ski, and experiences constant emotional distress. Her mother narrates their painful journey, battling between two hospitals, arranging for one daughter's last rites, and making the heart-wrenching decision to have life-support machines turned off for the other daughter.
The 26-year-old defendant was informed multiple times by the judge that the 18-year-old driver was not partially at fault for the accident.

Tragic Accident on June 3, 2023, in Straubing-Bogen District: The Accused Crashes into an Oncoming Car Under the Influence
► During the night of June 3, 2023, in Straubing-Bogen, the accused, while under the influence of alcohol, caused an accident. Two teenagers, aged 17 and 16, lost their lives, and another 16-year-old and the 18-year-old driver were left with serious injuries. The judge assured the 18-year-old multiple times that he was not guilty for this accident.

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