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A 24-year-old man in search of his lost wallet unexpectedly lands behind bars.

On Friday (May 10), a 24-year-old man was given an unexpected shock upon requesting his wallet from the Federal Police headquarters at Hamm Central Station.

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Hamm, the city, is set to implement a new law prohibiting public smoking as of October 1st. - A 24-year-old man in search of his lost wallet unexpectedly lands behind bars.

Following his arrest, the man from Hamm hadn't received his wallet back from the local police. Upon hearing the German's name, the cuffs clicked. The Münster public prosecutor's office had issued a warrant for his arrest that same day.

In January, the Ahlen district court found him guilty of fraud and sentenced him to pay a fine of 3,600 euros. Even though he had not paid this fine and was still unable to do so, he was taken into custody and sent to Hamm prison to serve a 120-day alternative sentence.

This story was generated with AI's assistance using the original material provided by officials. [#]

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