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A 23-year-old man takes food and responds violently.

Police apprehended a 23-year-old individual on Monday (20.05.2024) who is believed to have taken around 30 euros' worth of groceries from a shop on Arnulf-Klett-Platz and afterwards, resisted apprehension.

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Stuttgart is the focus of attention. - A 23-year-old man takes food and responds violently.

A man around 23 years old with Romanian citizenship strolled into a salesroom at around 5:10 pm. There, he plucked various food items from the shelves and stashed them in his pants. No purchase was made, so he strode towards the exit. As a 43-year-old salesroom worker approached, the suspect resisted being held back. In response, a quick-thinking 37-year-old customer sprang into action, joining forces with the employee to detain the culprit.

Shortly after, on Tuesday (21.05.2024), this individual was hauled in front of a magistrate at the request of the Stuttgart public prosecutor's office, who promptly issued an arrest warrant which they then enforced.

This text is based on facts provided by the authorities and has been created using artificial intelligence.

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