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A 20-ton truck carrying paper catches fire on the A81.

This vice acted as a spark!

This truck was apparently doomed by its load
This truck was apparently doomed by its load

Blaze Engulfs Baden-Württemberg - A 20-ton truck carrying paper catches fire on the A81.

In the afternoon of a midweek, a traffic congestion unfolded on the A81 headed to Pleidelsheim (Ludwigsburg district, Baden-Wuerttemberg). The cause? A burning truck carrying paper, believe it or not, traveled towards Stuttgart.

The fire department was promptly dispatched to the scene at approximately 1:00 PM. The unfortunate vehicle held a staggering 20-ton load of paper. Talk about a convenient fire starter! The fiery paper-loaded truck was eventually beyond saving, reduced to ashes on the shoulder.

Removing the burden, so to speak, was also a challenge for the firefighters. They baby-stepped in carefully with a telescopic handler, delicately shifting the burning rolls onto a container. Reports suggest a few rolls were still aflame.

The truck burned out on the A81 near Pleidelsheim

The traffic was halted on the arterial road during the fire-fighting process. It currently remains unclear how the fire had sparked to life. Thankfully, no casualties have been reported thus far.

The paper rolls had to be unloaded individually

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