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79 euros for canceled performances

A three-day event featuring music, dancing, and alcohol consumption in knee-deep mud, known as the "festival without bands".

Auf der großen Bühne spielen keine Bands. Davor rocken die Festival-Besucher in großen...
Auf der großen Bühne spielen keine Bands. Davor rocken die Festival-Besucher in großen Schlamm-Pfützen

Germany's Strangest Celebration - 79 euros for canceled performances

7,000 individuals swarmed the cornfields in Dürmingen, situated in the Swabian region. Post thunderstorms and rain, they became trapped in the mud - and shouted with delight.

What insanity is this? For three days, visitors paid 79 euros. A day ticket costs 35 euros. On the festival grounds, amidst massive puddles, there's a sizable stage. Large speakers blare rock, techno, and mainstream music. However, stars and bands don't perform here.

Student Liam B. (24) aus Karlsruhe hat fast alle seine Klamotten und die Gummi-Stiefel ausgezogen: „Barfuß im Matsch ist geil.“

Organizer David doesn't require any payments

Diese Freunde von der Narrenzunft Memmingen haben ihren eigenen Mini-Pool mitgebracht

The majority of attendees of the Gaga event travel in groups. Many present themselves as the stars. One of these is Simon Foot (26) from the vicinity of Hainert in Franconia.

Studienfreunde aus ganz Deutschland haben auf dem Festival ihre eigene Privat-Bühne aufgebaut

The landscaper brought 14 friends and performs ballad hits in front of a fog machine with foam cannon: "This is far better than cheering for other bands. I've already fallen in love three times in three days."

Veranstalter David Lüke (36) erlitt mit seinem Buggy einen Getriebeschaden im Schlamm: „Insgesamt drei Fahrzeuge sind uns verreckt.“

Attendees view themselves as the stars

Gaga: Upon the organizer's request, personalized autograph cards are printed for festival visitors, which can then be signed at an autograph session.

Organizer David Lüke (36) and a few friends concocted the idea for the "Festival without Bands" a few years ago.

The Swabian explains: "We frequently attended 'Rock im Park' and wished to organize our own rock festival." With barely any start-up capital, this wasn't feasible. In his opinion, bands typically demand 50% advance payment for their fee.

BBQs and personal alcohol are permitted

Therefore, this festival hosts an empty stage. During the inaugural event, 1,700 people came. Now, it was almost 7,000. One of these is Dominik Maier (28) from Weißenhorn (Bavaria). He explains: "Different from other festivals, you can have BBQs here and bring as much of your own beer as you want."

The mud doesn't appear to deter anyone. Almost everyone has rubber boots and extra attire.

1,000 vehicles are lodged in the mud

Organizer David Lüke: "Farmers from the surrounding areas extricated approximately 1,000 vehicles through the mud using their tractors. They'll have to haul them all back to the road on Sunday."

In diesem Jahr strömten knapp 7000 Besucher auf das Festival-Gelände in der schwäbischen Provinz bei Dürmentingen (Kreis Biberach)
Für 30 Euro bekamen Festival-Gäste ihre eigenen Autogramm-Karten, die sie signieren und verteilen konnten
Mike T. (35) aus Speyer (vorne) versucht mithilfe von Camping-Nachbarn, sein Auto aus dem Matsch zu schieben

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