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55 Saar schools gain advantages through Startchancen funding initiative

One aim of a new school support program in Saarland is to provide high-quality education for children regardless of their families' social status. This initiative is currently benefiting 55 schools in the region.

Christine Streichert-Clivot.
Christine Streichert-Clivot.

Acquiring Knowledge - 55 Saar schools gain advantages through Startchancen funding initiative

This program aims to assist pupils in a more personalized manner, ignoring their parents' social status. In Saarland, 55 schools will benefit from the "Startchancen" program, as mentioned by Saarland's Education Minister, Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), during the signing of the federal-state agreement for Saarland on Tuesday. This week, schools meeting the program's criteria were informed.

The program kicks off on 1st August 2024, and Saarland will receive approximately twelve million euros annually for a decade from the federal government. The federal and state governments agreed on the funding program after extensive talks. The federal government contributes one billion euros per year, while the states contribute the same amount.

"The Startchancen program can break the connection between social background and academic achievement," noted Streichert-Clivot, who is also the President of the Conference of Education Ministers. "It's also crucial for the continuation of the Digital Pact. We've already established strong structures in digital education; we need to extend and strengthen them."


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