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120 million euros shortfall in funding for northern daycare centers.

The Minister of Social Affairs, Aminata Touré, delivers findings on the assessment of daycare reform. A deficit of 120 million euros is identified for crèches and daycare facilities in the northern region. Authorities receive guaranteed planning rights.

Aminata Touré (Alliance90/Greens), Minister for Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens,...
Aminata Touré (Alliance90/Greens), Minister for Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality of Schleswig-Holstein, speaks at a session of the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein in the plenary hall of the Landeshaus.

Social matters - 120 million euros shortfall in funding for northern daycare centers.

A deficit of around three million euros is present in Schleswig-Holstein's daycare centers and crèches. Social Affairs Minister Aminata Touré (Greens) stated in Kiel on Tuesday that the daycare system is lacking 120 million euros, as unearthed by audits. She added that the state will provide assistance to bridge this gap. The state government is currently holding intense discussions with local authorities, service providers, and parents' associations. Touré did not disclose how much the state could potentially cover. Uncertainty looms in regards to whether parents will have to pay more for their children's care in crèches and daycare centers.

The funding model for these facilities will not undergo any alterations in the 2025 nursery year. This gives municipalities and providers assurance in their planning. The state will maintain the status quo on funding, working with municipalities and independent cities. This approach will continue into the near future: the state will contribute its funding share to districts and independent cities, then further distribute the funds to local municipalities.

The state's working group of independent welfare associations (LAG SH) responded to this news with apprehension. "While we now have certainty regarding plans for the upcoming years, allowing us to provide a stable range of daycare services, the evaluation revealed that the daycare reform did not achieve its primary goals," explained Chairwoman Anette Langner. LAG SH is concerned about the decision to compensate for the financial gap by lowering quality standards.

The previous coalition government, which included the CDU, Greens, and FDP (Jamaica coalition), had mandated a compulsory review in the 2020 daycare reform. This administration put an end to extremely high daycare fees by establishing a national cap on parental contributions. The state government imposed a monthly fee cap per hour of childcare, resulting in a maximum of 145 euros per month for five hours of care for U3 children and a maximum of 232 euros for eight hours a day. Fees for children aged three and above stand at 141 euros (five hours) and 226 euros (eight hours).

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