
Elderly woman tricked into transferring funds.

On the 10th of May, 2024, a woman fell prey to a con known as the "grandchild fraud."

May 11, 2024
1 min read
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Higher Marital Status - Elderly woman tricked into transferring funds.

A person was contacted by someone claiming to be their daughter, who asked for a relatively small sum of money to be transferred. They said this was needed to pay for some electrical items she had bought.

The victim then went to her bank and arranged the transfer. However, it was only after the transaction that she realized she had been tricked by fraudsters.

The police emphasize the need to be cautious about these types of messages or calls. When someone says a family member (typically a child) is in a tough financial spot, it's smart to check with them before sending any money.

*Note: This information has been obtained from authorities and created with assistance from KI.

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