
Elderly individual (83 years old) targeted by fake cops in a robbery

In a reported incident on Wednesday, an 83-year-old woman was robbed in Schwetzingen by a false tradesman and two pretending law enforcement officers.

May 17, 2024
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Schwetzingen: A Town in Germany Famous for its Baroque Palace and Gardens - Elderly individual (83 years old) targeted by fake cops in a robbery

A man posing as a handyman claimed he had to quickly inspect the bathroom in an older lady's home. While she was in the bathroom with him, another unknown person entered the apartment and ransacked all the rooms. They nabbed different pieces of jewelry and money then hightailed it out of there.

Not long after, there was another knock at the door and the 83-year-old was stunned to see two supposed police officers with "police" written on their black T-shirts. They said they wanted to catch the fake handyman in the bathroom, which they did. After everyone had left, the senior citizen realized she had been robbery. Some of her precious jewelry and cash were missing. She lost a significant sum of money.

The culprits have been described as follows: The fake handyman is about 1.70m tall, has an average build, has a southern look, is bald, and spoke German with a few errors. The fraudulent policemen were about 1.80m tall, had average builds, and spoke German with a local accent.

Anyone with knowledge of these criminals, the crime's details, or a possible getaway vehicle is encouraged to contact the Schwetzingen police station at 06202-2880.

This story is based on official information from the authorities and was crafted using A.I..

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