
Egg-throwing protests and singing marches take place in Berlin.

In Berlin, the May Day demonstrations are underway. While a left-wing rally in Wedding transpired with no issues, a feminist women's march took many by surprise with an unexpected conclusion.

May 2, 2024
1 min read
NewsConflictsStone throwFeminismPoliceBerlindemonstrationsWalpurgis NightFriedrichshainPyrotechnicsWeddingAntifascismLabor DayMay 1
According to the police, around 2,800 people marched through Berlin-Friedrichshain at the...
According to the police, around 2,800 people marched through Berlin-Friedrichshain at the queer-feminist demonstration "Take back the night".


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The Labor Day holiday is approaching. - Egg-throwing protests and singing marches take place in Berlin.

Protesters marched through Berlin-Friedrichshain on the eve of May Day, throwing eggs, setting off fireworks and even hurling stones. The police report that around 2,800 people joined in the queer-feminist protest known as "Take back the night."

The police spokeswoman has not yet disclosed if any arrests were made. Earlier on Friday, hundreds of people marched peacefully for peace and social justice in the Berlin district of Wedding.

Officers in left-wing Friedrichshain anticipated pushy behavior, as there have been previous attacks on the police in the area, with bottles thrown and police officers getting hurt.

Late night showdown

The march in Berlin-Friedrichshain faced some delays in kick-starting and, strangely, was called off early. The organizers have yet to disclose the reason for the early end. Nevertheless, later on in the night, many people remained on Warschauer Straße, dancing and singing "Take back the night."

On the other hand, the "For peace and social justice" demonstration in Wedding proceeded as scheduled without any disruptions. Approximately 500 people marched, while the organizers estimated that over 800 people participated.

The police are deploying a huge force to accompany the numerous May Day demonstrations. On Wednesday, around 5,500 police officers will be stationed throughout the city, thanks to the increased number and scale of demonstrations.

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