
Educators Strike Against Ballot Measure: Court Declines to Reverse Public Financing for Las Vegas A's Stadium

The Nevada Supreme Court prevented a plan to hold a public vote on the Oakland Athletics' proposed baseball stadium on the Las Vegas Strip during November. In a ruling,

May 14, 2024
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Educators Strike Against Ballot Measure: Court Declines to Reverse Public Financing for Las Vegas A's Stadium

The state's highest court in Nevada has stopped an attempt to make the public vote on the proposed Las Vegas Strip baseball stadium of the Oakland Athletics in November.

In a decision with 5 votes for and 2 against, the Nevada Supreme Court supported the judgment from the District Court against Schools Over Stadiums, a political action committee associated with the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) teachers union.

In June last year, the state legislators approved Senate Bill 1 (SB1), which assigned $380 million in public bonds and tax credits to help reduce the projected cost of the stadium, which is estimated to be $1.5 billion.

Playing the Wrong Game

Schools Over Stadiums tried to change this legislation by creating a ballot measure. They claimed that SB1 violated the Nevada Constitution in five different ways and managed to gather enough signatures (102K) to present it in the November election (June 26).

The Court decided, however, that the measure also violated the Nevada Constitution, and it provided an inadequate description of its impact.

The stadium is set to be constructed on 9 acres of land that will become the former location of the Tropicana casino-resort by October.

The stadium is expected to be ready for the 2028 major league baseball season.

It's Never Over

Schools Over Stadiums declared their intention to try again in 2026, saying:

“We will continue to oppose the use of Nevada tax dollars for a stadium for a California billionaire, and we are disheartened that Nevada voters will not have a chance to vote in 2024. Using this guidance, Schools Over Stadiums intends to refile our petition next year and triumph in 2026. Nevadans should have the right to determine how their money is used.

"Nevada ranks 48th in per-student funding, with the largest student classes and highest educator vacancy rates in the country. We will never lose sight that our campaign is about Nevada's misplaced priorities, and we will keep fighting until we ensure Nevada prioritizes providing a high-quality education for every student."

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