
DIY Stores' Price Tag Thieves Sought by Police

The individual altered a label on an item, resulting in more than 3,000 euros being saved. Authorities seek the perpetrator, equipped with a picture.

May 17, 2024
1 min read
NewsSaxony-AnhaltDIY storesFraudsearchesSaxony-Anhalt regional newsMugshotHallPoliceHornbachRegional
The police are looking for this fraudster. The man stuck a different price tag on the goods
The police are looking for this fraudster. The man stuck a different price tag on the goods


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A shop lost 3000 euros due to a deception. - DIY Stores' Price Tag Thieves Sought by Police

Hey there, have you heard of this shady character from a Hornbach store in Delitzscher Straße, Halle (Saale)? This guy pulled off a clever scam on August 27, 2022, around 4.53 pm.

In a sneaky move, he switched the price tag of an outdoor powerbank called "Eco Flow Delta Pro," worth a whopping 3999 euros, with that of a different device, "Eco Flow River Pro," which cost a mere 749 euros. Clever, huh?

With these new price tags on his trolley, he went through the checkout lines, paying only for the cheaper piece of equipment.

The local district court has now ordered for the release of the surveillance footage capturing his shady act. The police are seeking any leads on this mysterious thief's true identity and location. If you have any information that might help, please reach out to the Halle police station at 0345/224-2000.

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