
Dispute in parking lot leads to knife attack

A 45-year-old individual is suspected of inflicting wounds on a 37-year-old person in Eisenbahnstraße, Ludwigsburg, at around 9.30 p.m. on Sunday (12.05.2024) following a dispute over a parking spot.

May 13, 2024
1 min read
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Eisenbahnstraße in Ludwigsburg: Local Address - Dispute in parking lot leads to knife attack

A potential offender supposedly harmed a person's upper body during a fight where bystanders were also involved. Following the fray, the 45-year-old perpetrator initially left the location. At a later time, he returned to the scene and was temporarily detained by police. The individual was transported to the Ludwigsburg police department's detention center but ultimately released after initial police procedures were completed. Meanwhile, the 37-year-old victim was conveyed to a hospital by paramedics. The inquiry into grievous bodily harm is still active.

This version comes from the authorities and was assisted in its creation by AI technology.

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