
Did a fellow server sexually harass a waitress?

The Spring Festival continues to dominate the news. First, a norovirus outbreak occurred, followed by a man with a machete scaring attendees. Currently, accusations of sexual harassment surfaced, and the Göckelesmaier tent is implicated again.

May 10, 2024
2 min read
NewsBeerNoro virusStuttgartOktoberfestStuttgart regional newsWaiterPoliceillRegionalsexual harassmentcannstatter volksfest
Waitress Lisa (25, name changed) was allegedly sexually harassed by a fellow waitress
Waitress Lisa (25, name changed) was allegedly sexually harassed by a fellow waitress


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Probe into the Göckelesmaier camping area - Did a fellow server sexually harass a waitress?

Waitress Lisa P., age 25 (name changed), alleges that a fellow waiter and her superiors have been harassing her. Lisa claims she was inappropriately touched and subjected to vulgar comments by a 45-year-old coworker. He even went as far as offering her to male guests, saying, "If you want her tonight, you have to pay me!"

The waitress has filed a police report, and the offender was interrogated for several hours at the Wasen police station in Stuttgart. Police spokeswoman Charlotte Weller confirmed, "We're investigating sexual harassment under Section 184i of the German Criminal Code."

Göckelesmaier owner Karl Maier, aged 56, questioned both Lisa P. and the accused waiter separately. Maier stated, "It's a matter of he said, she said. The male colleague denies all accusations." He added, "The waiter has been with me for years – there's never been any complaints. I can't fire someone based on an unproven suspicion."

Clouds hang over the Stuttgart Spring Festival

Following these instances of alleged harassment, Lisa P. and her colleague will be reassigned to work at the opposite end of the marquee. Lisa, who primarily works as a controller in Munich, wishes only to work at Oktoberfest events in the future. Employment contracts state that even minor cases of sexual harassment result in dismissal.

The Stuttgart Spring Festival concluded on May 12. During the opening weekend, the Norovirus outbreak affected approximately 800 guests. A Syrian man, 19, drew a machete and ran across the festival grounds, causing panic. Fortunately, police intercepted him before any further harm occurred.

The Wasen police are investigating on suspicion of sexual harassment

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