
Detroit casino strike ends in Hollywood and Motor City, but not at MGM

After more than a month on picket lines, workers at two Detroit casinos will return to work this week. However, the strike at the city's casinos continues. Workers at two Detroit casinos will return to work this week after more than a month of picketing, as the strike at the city's...

Apr 8, 2024
2 min read
Employees at two Detroit casinos agreed to end strikes, but the MGM Grand rejected a new
Employees at two Detroit casinos agreed to end strikes, but the MGM Grand rejected a new contract over the weekend. About 2,100 employees at Greektown's Hollywood Casino and Motor City Casino are returning to


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Detroit casino strike ends in Hollywood and Motor City, but not at MGM

After more than a month on picket lines, workers at two Detroit casinos will return to work this week. However, the strike continues at the city's third-largest casino.

Workers at Greektown's Hollywood Casino and Motor City Casino voted over the weekend to approve a proposed new five-year contract, while workers at the MGM Grand Casino went on strike after their members voted to reject the proposed deal.

Under the new five-year contract, workers' wages will increase by $3 an hour immediately and to $5 an hour over the life of the contract. The result was an 18% average wage increase for employees, which the union said was the largest wage increase in the history of Detroit's casino industry.

The Detroit Casino Council, a union representing striking workers, said they will seek to set an additional bargaining date with MGM to continue collective bargaining.

The strike began on October 17, when 3,700 workers at three plants went on strike seeking better wages, benefits and job protections. With the approval vote, 2,100 employees will return to the Hollywood and Motor City casinos starting Sunday night.

While casinos remained open during the strike, reduced staffing resulted in reduced hotel services and reductions.

MGM disappointed, considering next steps

Matt Buckley, president and chief operating officer of MGM Grand Midwest Group, expressed regret for the outcome in a letter to employees. About 600 MGM employees voted to approve the contract, according to Buckley.

This is a very disappointing outcome, especially given the historic nature of our offer and the fact that it will directly and positively benefit the MGM Grand employees and their families we represent," Buckley wrote in the letter, a copy of which is being shared.

Buckley said MGM will remain open as it has been since the strike began on Oct. 17, and employees who want to cross the picket lines are free to return to work. He did not say whether the two sides had specific plans to return to the negotiating table.

"I will continue to keep you updated as we consider our options for next steps," he wrote.

New contract includes better wages and benefits

In addition to the raises, employees also received additional benefits from the casino company. In the future, employee health costs will not increase and workloads will decrease.

The new contract also includes new workplace protections and language related to technological changes. For the first time, employees will be eligible for employer contributions of up to $1,000 starting in their second year of employment. The new contract also includes Juneteenth as a paid holiday.

“The settlement at the Greektown Hollywood Casino and Motor City Casino represents another victory for union workers across the country in their fight for economic justice, a historic wave of strikes that has produced significant gains for American workers across many industries,” Detroit Casino Council said in a statement.

The council is a coalition of five unions representing vendors, janitors, restaurant workers and other employees: UNITE HERE Local 24, UAW Local 7777, Teamsters Local 1038, Operating Engineers Local 324 and the Michigan Area Carpenters Council.

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