
Dawn attack against anti-Semitic individuals

Police officers and state security investigators simultaneously raided four buildings in Duisburg at 6 a.m. The cause for this action was the ban imposed by NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (71, CDU) on the "Palestine Solidarity Duisburg". This extremist organization advocates for the freedom...

May 16, 2024
2 min read
NewsRuhr area regional news
Police searched the homes of Hamas supporters at dawn
Police searched the homes of Hamas supporters at dawn


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Hamas supporters' homes are being investigated. - Dawn attack against anti-Semitic individuals

Law enforcement authorities conducted searches in three apartment complexes located in the northern part of Duisburg, as well as a building near the university. The police are looking for the leaders of those who harbor deep hatred against Jews. The NRW Ministry of the Interior notes that the organization in question openly supports the Palestinian resistance in all forms, including the armed struggle of the terrorist group Hamas against Israel. As part of the raid today, their assets, documents, and electronic data were confiscated.

"The ban is timely and carries a strong message"

Herbert Reul, Interior Minister: "This ban is well-timed and conveys the right message. In many instances, expressing support for Palestine merely masks hatred toward Jews, as is the case with the organization being banned today. We are using all legal means to fight anti-Semitism and provide ideological backing for terrorism. By taking these steps, the state has clearly demonstrated its firm stance against extremism."

Essentially, the Minister of the Interior is indicating that "Palestine Solidarity Duisburg" has an anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic worldview. The organization publicly promotes anti-Semitic narratives during meetings, demonstrations, and through their social media accounts, fostering resentment against Jews.

In Duisburg, Hamas supporters had a wake-up call from the police

A security official from the state: "The association perpetually espouses hatred against the state of Israel, placing the sole blame on it for the conflicts in the Middle East. They foment hatred and violence in the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians, thereby threatening the safety and well-being of Israelis living in Germany. Moreover, their support for Hamas hinders peaceful co-existence among different ethnicities."

Ever since its inception, "Palestine Solidarity Duisburg" has actively pushed for "liberating Palestine from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River," with the ultimate objective of destroying the state of Israel. They are also affiliated with the anti-Israel and radical group "Samidoun," which was outlawed nationwide on November 2, 2023.

NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (71, CDU)

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