
Darren Criss identifies as 'culturally queer'.

Darren Criss, known for his role as the gay character Blaine on "Glee," gained popularity among LGBTQ+ viewers despite being a heterosexual and cisgender individual in real life.

May 1, 2024
1 min read
Darren Criss at an event in Chicago on Saturday
Darren Criss at an event in Chicago on Saturday


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Darren Criss identifies as 'culturally queer'.

At the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, Criss was questioned about his character in "Glee" having a homosexual romance on the show. Criss responded, "It was freaking amazing... Today, we simply label it as a relationship on television. But let's put it in perspective. A queer relationship on mainstream Fox? That's really cool!"

He further explained he had a deep understanding of the LGBTQ+ experience, saying, "I've been so deeply surrounded by queer culture my whole life. It's not something I attempted to imitate or embrace to look cool, but rather, the people I've admired and learned from have been queer. I grew up in San Francisco during the '90s and witnessed firsthand the struggles and hardships faced by the queer community."

The term "culturally queer" refers to someone who has grown up in the midst of queer tradition, celebration, language, and media. It's also a moniker given to allies who showcase their strong support for the LGBTQ+ community. As PFLAG puts it, this type of ally not only supports but also acquires knowledge about queer culture.

Criss commented how his upbringing shaped his perception of the queer community, stating, "In queer communities, I found individuals I adored, who I learned from and drew inspiration from. It's a generalization to say it's only about queer communities, but they've significantly impacted my life."

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