
Cutting down on salt intake might save up to 900,000 lives.

Are you aware of the daily salt intake you consume? Likely not, as most of the salt we ingest comes from processed foods such as bread, cheese, ham, sausage, spreads, and snacks, amounting to 70-75 percent of our total salt consumption. (87 characters)

May 16, 2024
1 min read
NewsSaltsBrain factHeart attackStrokeHigh blood pressure
Salt consumption in Europe is too high, complains the WHO
Salt consumption in Europe is too high, complains the WHO


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The World Health Organization issues an immediate alert. - Cutting down on salt intake might save up to 900,000 lives.

Regional director of WHO, Hans Kluge, expresses concerns over excessive salt intake in Europe, which is strikingly higher than the recommended five grams (a single flat teaspoon). This worrying trend can significantly alter the cardiovascular system, causing more harm than good.

The primary concern is the negative impact of salt on blood vessels. It attracts water, increasing the overall fluid volume that needs to be moved by the heart. This added pressure can result in cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Alarmingly, a third of Europeans between 30 and 79 years of age struggle with high blood pressure. Daily, approximately 10,000 Europeans lose their lives to cardiovascular diseases, translating to a staggering four million fatalities per year.

Interestingly, Kluge estimates that four out of every ten deaths in Europe are due to cardiovascular conditions. Implementing measures to lower salt intake by 25% can potentially prevent 900,000 lives from being claimed by cardiovascular diseases by 2030.

An interesting observation is the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in European men: they're almost twice as likely to succumb to these diseases as women.

A tip for adopting a low-salt lifestyle involves incorporating more fresh foods into your diet. These items typically contain minimal salt. The likes of milk, dairy products, potassium-rich fruits, vegetables, potatoes, pasta, and rice are fantastic additions. Also, try using spices and herbs as flavor enhancers instead of salt.

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Source: symclub.org


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