
Criminals damage outdoor storage facilities.

Unidentified individuals unlawfully entered a garden shed in the Lautenbach area of Suhl and caused damage to it.

May 19, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimePoliceVandalismKI-OTSThuringia regional newsSuhlTheft
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Suhl: A Close Look - Criminals damage outdoor storage facilities.

Burglars sneaked into a property, stealing furniture and spoiling a few pieces. They later strewn them on the lawn next to the house. To make matters worse, they broke into an adjacent garden and disrupted all water connections. The incident's victims are clueless about the exact time and the gravity of the damage brought about by these criminals.

Anyone possessing relevant details is urged to get in touch with the Suhl inspection service, using ST/0128153/2024 as a reference.

This content is a rewritten version of the original and is intended to be informal, engaging and simple.

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