German Federal States

Conflict erupts on suburban train due to inquiry about phone number

During the night of 22nd May 2024, a fight occurred between four individuals inside an S-Bahn train in Hamburg.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeViolenceKI-OTSHamburgHamburg regional newsPolice
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Hammerbrook news coverage - Conflict erupts on suburban train due to inquiry about phone number

Two Algerian men on a train from the main station in Hamburg were bothered by two young women. The men allegedly asked the women for their phone numbers and eventually tried to force them to give their numbers. However, the two ladies declined. This situation caught the attention of two teenage Russian guys, who stepped in to shield the women from the Algerians.

The situation escalated into a verbal altercation and soon turned into a physical fight. The 23-year-old Algerian picked up a beer bottle and attempted to hit the Russians. However, the men managed to dodge the bottle and retaliated by punching and kicking the Algerian. The train eventually stopped at Hammerbrook station due to the altercation, allowing federal police to arrive and briefly detain the suspects.

Emergency services provided medical attention for one of the Russian guys, but he was not hospitalized. Once the police actions were completed, all the individuals were let go. The authorities obtained and secured the video footage from the train and have initiated criminal proceedings against those involved. The Hamburg Federal Police Inspectorate is also conducting further investigations into this incident.

This story is sourced from official information provided by the authorities and the help of an AI language model.

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