
Commission on Futures Trading Hears Views on Political Wagering

More than 1,300 comments have been submitted to federal authorities in response to a plan aimed at expanding the availability of political betting opportunities in the United States. Those against the proposal have also gathered over 1,300 opinions on the subject.

May 4, 2024
2 min read
A screenshot of events futures trading exchange Kalshi’s website. The Commodities Futures Trading...
A screenshot of events futures trading exchange Kalshi’s website. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission is considering Kalshi’s request to offer markets tied to congressional elections.


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Commission on Futures Trading Hears Views on Political Wagering

Federal authorities have collected over 1,300 reactions on a scheme to expand political betting accommodations in the United States. This plan has sparked concerns about the possible corruption of electoral events.

Supporters maintain that these markets act as a handy forecasting instrument, long available in other countries without serious issues.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) initiated a three-month appraisal of a petition from KalshiEX LLC last month. The request aims to facilitate trades on the prospects of a specific party obtaining the most seats in the next congressional elections. The first 30 days were designated for public response, which ended on Monday.

Kalshi reapplied for the CFTC's approval of its congressional futures exchange after withdrawing a similar proposal due to expectation of a denial by the commission in 2021.

Various Democratic congressmen, alongside advocacy groups like Common Cause, the Center for American Progress, and Better Markets, voiced their disagreement with the proposal.

However, proponents of electoral markets emphasized their value to researchers, journalists, average folks, and even non-bettors.

"PredictIt usually gets massive web traffic whenever voting outcomes are publicized. This suggests that the public regards prediction market data as a helpful resource in deciphering election results, which can be confusing and even misleading, given different reports from various counties," wrote Aristotle in its feedback to the CFTC.

On the other hand, adversaries highlighted the rising influence of "dark money" in U.S. elections and believed that allowing sizeable bets on outcomes would further deplete the role of citizens in the process.

"As smartphone betting applications become increasingly widespread, widespread wagering on US elections through the easy tap of a button has a troubling impact on the object, function, and integrity of the electoral process," expressed Reps. John Sarbanes and Jamie Raskin, both Democrats from Maryland.

"Furthermore, since 2012, our country has witnessed a flood of dark money aiming to outweigh citizen voices, along with an upsurge of election-denialism and extremism, and an uptick in politically-driven violence," they added. "The proposed political event contract would only serve to amplify such actions and lure those seeking to manipulate elections and convince voters out of the democratic system."

Still, Kalshi advocates asserted that these worries are unjustified.

"These issues essentially request commenters to disprove negatives. While this task is complex, real-world evidence exists that disproves these presumed horrors," Aristotle wrote in its response to the CFTC. "Political prediction markets are established in nations with similar cultural and political characteristics as the US, like the UK, Australia, and Ireland. These markets have operated undisturbed for years in their present shapes with no substantial harm to electoral processes or campaigns."

As the CFTC has an endpoint of September to make a judgment on Kalshi, observers are doubtful it will endorse the market under its current leadership. Concurrently, the CFTC is involved in a legal tussle with PredictIt to terminate the latter's operation since 2014. A federal appeal tribunal recently granted PredictIt a temporary triumph, ensuring that it can carry on for the moment.

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