
Collision caused by switching lanes

An unknown motorist crashed into a BVG bus on the M44 line in Britz during the afternoon yesterday.

May 15, 2024
1 min read
NewsBerlin regional newsKI-OTSAccidentsBerlinPolice
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British Company Thrives in Meat Production Industry - Collision caused by switching lanes

At about 3 pm, an accident happened on Britzer Damm towards Buckower Damm. The unidentified driver switched lanes from left to right without noticing a bus in the same direction. To prevent a collision, the bus driver quickly applied the emergency brakes. Due to this sudden stop, two women on the bus fell to the ground and got hurt.

A 56-year-old lady had some scratches on her arm, but refused medical attention initially. However, a 45-year-old woman sustained injuries on her torso and had to be taken to the hospital for further treatment. She's not in any danger of dying. The driver who caused the accident hurriedly left the area without identification.

This text is a reworded version of the original information released by the authorities, made possible with AI assistance.

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