
"Citizen of the Reich" brandsishes a knife towards police

A man claiming to be a "Reichsbürger" threatened police with a knife in Velbert, leading to a special operation by a task force. The operation eventually resulted in the arrest of the man, according to a police statement released on Wednesday evening.

May 2, 2024
1 min read
NewsDüsseldorfGermanyPoliceNorth Rhine-WestphaliaVelbertCrimeDamage to propertySpecial power
Police officers take the handcuffed perpetrator to the police station in a police car after the...
Police officers take the handcuffed perpetrator to the police station in a police car after the seizure.


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SEK's deployment - "Citizen of the Reich" brandsishes a knife towards police

Recently, a man claiming to be a "Reichsbürger" in Velbert near Dusseldorf raised problems for law enforcers. The incident occurred on Tuesday night, when police were summoned to an apartment building due to damage caused to the property. When they arrived, the man, aged 30, began threatening them with a knife. He went on to yell hateful words against the police, proclaiming himself as a "Reichsbürger." A group holding the belief that German Empire, which was constituted in 1871 and operated under a monarch, still exists, and hence, all the current institutions should be categorized as illegitimate.

As the man shut himself up inside his apartment, a special force team was recruited to put a stop to the commotion. The Special Weapons and Tactics (SEK) unit stormed the apartment, tackling the guy. The individual is now under policemen's custody, and the legal procedure is underway.

On a related note, last Monday marked the start of the first trial in Stuttgart featuring a group of alleged co-conspirators linked to Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß. The group is accused of planning to overthrow the federal government with violent means. This trial is the first of three monumental trials that would bring people associated with the group in front of the judge, one after the other. Their case became a matter of public interest following a significant anti-terror operation executed across several states and countries in December 2022. This trial is undoubtedly one of the biggest terrorist trials in the history of Federal Republic of Germany.

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