
Chrupalla targets Meloni.

Anticipation among the 200 attendees: What response would the party head have, if any?

May 25, 2024
2 min read
Attack instead of humility - AfD leader Chrupalla in Glauchau
Attack instead of humility - AfD leader Chrupalla in Glauchau


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Following the expulsion of the AfD parliamentary group. - Chrupalla targets Meloni.

The debut of AfD party leader Tino Chrupalla (49) following the Krah controversy was observed during the state party assembly in Saxony. Far-right parties excluded the AfD from the ID group in the European Parliament due to Chrupalla's illicit conduct (rumours of Russian coal, a Chinese spy in the office, trivialization of the SS).

At the event, Chrupalla seemed to fulfill the anticipations of his party members, attracting jubilant cheers from the crowd. In place of contriteness and reflection, he unleashed a vicious tirade - even against his previous right-wing nationalist European associates.

The customary "media scolding" routine was the first on his agenda. The assaults had been anticipated, the media were constantly shifting their focus. And although blunders had occurred, they were swiftly rectified. However, Chrupalla did not list Maximilian Krah's errors as illustrations but rather mentioned the former leaders Lucke, Petry, and Meuthen.

"Europe requires the AfD, yet the AfD also requires Europe," Chrupalla began graciously. He then launched a frontal assault.

Assault on Allies

It had to be evident to their European counterparts that the principle of non-interference applied to both parties. "We won't adjust to European stances merely to enhance our visibility among other parties," Chrupalla bellowed from the stage.

Turning his attention to Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, he stated that under her leadership, mass migration had almost doubled, and more and more armaments were being supplied to Ukraine. "This Melonization won't transpire under our control," asserted the AfD leader. Instead, he demanded "respect" and forbade "meddling from our French and Italian counterparts."

Chrupalla only briefly acknowledged the AfD scandal figure Krah. He lauded him for "graciously dropping out of the state election campaign for the benefit of the party."

In stark contrast, he commended the Saxon state leader Jörg Urban. He anticipated winning the state election on September 1. "Jörg Urban is our Viktor Orbán," Chrupalla exclaimed, emphasizing "our country first." And concluded with a quintessential Chrupalla maneuver. "We'll once again have Russian gas - for 4 cents per kilowatt-hour."

Italy's Prime Minister Girogia Meloni

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