
China penalizes Taiwan through military exercises.

A vast Chinese military operation is underway around Taiwan on Thursday and Friday, causing alarm amongst its military. One colonel refers to this event as a "punitive action" directed towards "Taiwanese secessionist activities".

May 23, 2024
2 min read
NewsChinaPolitics-abroadTaiwanSouth China SeaManeuverPolitics-InlandUSABaerbock AnnalenaarmyPistorius Boris
A Chinese military exercise will take place in the Taiwan Strait on Thursday and Friday
A Chinese military exercise will take place in the Taiwan Strait on Thursday and Friday


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The United States expresses worry - China penalizes Taiwan through military exercises.

The "Economist" magazine from the UK branded the Taiwan Strait as the 'most perilous place' in the world. The Chinese military frequently crosses the unofficial boundary, which is known as the "middle line," separating Taiwan and China.

This waterway is crucial for global trade, as approximately half of all container ships utilize this route. If tensions were to escalate, the consequences could impact Europe.

The multiday military exercise, involving the army, navy, air force, and missile forces, which started on Thursday, doesn't only cover the Taiwan Strait. China has also announced activities in the surrounding areas, including the northern, southern, and eastern regions of the island and around Taiwan's outlying isles.

Chinese colonel discusses "retribution"

The waters between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan are one of the world's most important trade routes

On the state-controlled television network, CCTV, Chinese naval colonel Li Xi mentioned "severe disciplinary measures" and "retribution" aimed at Taiwan's "separatism."

China views Taiwan as a rogue province. The new president of the island nation, Lai Ching-te, who assumed office recently, is labeled a "harmful separatist" by the People's Republic.

Chinese military analyst Zhang Chi revealed on television that China is rehearsing a blockade of Taiwan. The troops are practicing to halt energy imports, inhibit Taiwan's politicians' escape routes abroad, and hinder support from the US and other allies.

The exercise is announced on Chinese state television as a

Taiwan's Deputy Premier Po Horng-huei said that China is using the exercise to emphasize its command over the region. Unlike a massive exercise in August 2022, China did not designate any restricted areas for ships and aircraft this time, according to a US Indo-Pacific Command representative named Stephen Sklenka. The actions of the People's Republic raise concerns.

The strained situation in the Taiwan Strait is affecting German politics. Last week, the naval frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the supply ship "Frankfurt am Main" left for a global voyage. It's unknown whether they'll navigate through the Taiwan Strait on their way to Singapore.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) supports passing through the region. "We require a rule-based system rather than a rule of force," he argued a year ago concerning China's provocations. The Green Party's Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock (Greens), who is receptive to a transit, has not made a conclusive statement yet.

Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te is considered a separatist by China because he insists on the island's independence

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Source: symclub.org


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