
CDU nominee runs on this Transformer model

Most of the 60 CDU candidates contesting the municipal elections in Stuttgart exhibit a conservative and middle-class image, encompassing professionals such as lawyers, police officials, business owners, and even a Protestant priest.

May 20, 2024
2 min read
NewsMayorBaden-WürttembergElection campaignOettinger GüntherRegionalCDUTransformersStuttgartStuttgart regional newsNopper Frank
The three-meter-high Transformer at an election campaign stand. Inside the costume is a real CDU...
The three-meter-high Transformer at an election campaign stand. Inside the costume is a real CDU candidate


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Gaga's Political Race - CDU nominee runs on this Transformer model

However, one person has drawn attention during the election campaign. He openly campaigns wearing a Transformers costume.

Transformers are toys based on characters from comics and animated television shows. One of the characters is "Bumblebee," a robot from the action figure line and film of the same name.

Florian Gauder, a master craftsman and entertainer from Stuttgart, purchased a Bumblebee costume from China for a trade fair event. He had stored the science fiction costume. Now the CDU has asked him if he would like to run for their party in the capital of Baden-Württemberg.

Florian Gauder (49) sweats as an election campaigner in his Bumblebee costume

Gauder has already donned his Bumblebee armor, weighing around 30 kg made of plastic and foam, at two party meetings. He noted, "The outfit works well and attracts parents with kids."

Entertaining look, but sincere issues

CDU candidate Florian Gauder (right) with former Prime Minister Günther Oettinger (2nd from left) and party friends

Nevertheless, Gauder does not think of himself as a lighthearted candidate. He shared, "I want to get into city hall because I want to be involved in its future."

The CDU candidate added, "I want my teenage daughters to feel safe driving into the city center. Additionally, the lack of parking spaces in the city center, as well as chaos and long queues in citizens' offices, must be fixed."

Florian Gauder's election campaign van. The

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