
Canada: Sports Leagues Push for Betting Revisions

Several professional sports associations in North America are advocating for relaxed betting rules in Canada to boost their income.

May 27, 2024
3 min read
Einer der einflussreichsten Befürworter der Reform ist NBA-Kommissar Adam Silver.
Einer der einflussreichsten Befürworter der Reform ist NBA-Kommissar Adam Silver.


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Canada: Sports Leagues Push for Betting Revisions

A group of leading North American sports leagues, along with the CGA (Canadian Gaming Association), are advocating for the legalization of individual betting in Canada. This is currently limited to three or more games. They believe this could provide extra revenue to help states and sports navigate through the Coronavirus crisis.

Suppressing illegal betting

A coalition of top-tier Canadian and North American sports leagues, including the NHL, MLS, MLB, CFL, and NBA, have released a joint statement in favour of legalizing individual bets. The Canadian Gaming Authority (CGA) published this statement.

This move could lead to a significant economic boost. Besides providing sports fans with more engagement opportunities, legal and regulated sports betting would benefit Canadians. So, the sports leagues are urging the government to immediately adapt these plans.

The CGA also stated that illegal individual bets already occur in Canada. Introducing a regulated market would steer consumers away from dangerous and unregulated markets. The regulation of individual bets could also ensure strong consumer protection and maintain the integrity of sports.

Individual bets as the key to recovering from the Coronavirus crisis

Major sports commissioners have endorsed individual betting in Canada in the joint statement. These influential figures include Gary Bettman of the NHL, Don Garber of the MLS, Rob Manfred of the MLB, Adam Silver of the NBA, and Randy Ambrosie of the CFL. They believe legalizing individual betting could speed up Canada's recovery from the Coronavirus crisis.

The issue of illegal individual betting has been a concern for CGA for a while. They note that about CAD 14 billion is illegally wagered each year. If the government legalizes individual betting, it would not only reduce this problem but also create a profitable industry. This view is also endorsed by conservative parliamentarian Kevin Waugh.

An addition to the Criminal Code

Currently, betting on at least three games or more is permitted under paragraph 207(4)(b) of the Criminal Code. Therefore, betting on individual games or events is still illegal. But Kevin Waugh is pushing for change with Bill C-218, called "An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Safe and Regulated Sports Betting)," which entered its first House of Commons reading in February.

This bill aims to revoke the aforementioned paragraph to allow individual bets. It's the third attempt to reform Canadian sports betting laws — this time possibly successful, as Waugh's bill is supported by Brian Masse (New Democratic Party), who initiated the previous attempts.

The gamble for Ontario's online gambling market

The province of Ontario will soon liberalize its online gambling market. Unconfirmed rumors suggest this market opening will happen on July 1st. However, this is currently only speculation from political and industry circles. The plan is to create a competitive market for online gambling, giving consumers more legal options.

The initiatives for market opening have existed since April 2019, as part of the budget announcement. Since then, the iGaming sector has been waiting eagerly to see if the conservative government will honour their promise. The goal of the reform is to create a more attractive environment for online gambling consumers.

The OLG (Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation) and AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario) are currently responsible for administering and regulating online gambling in Ontario. International online gambling companies must register with the AGCO and sign a commercial contract with the OLG to offer their products through the site

It's a slow, expensive process with many companies becoming frustrated, despite competing against a considerable unregulated market in Ontario.

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