
Authorities confiscate firearms during boundary checks.

At the An der Neiße highway rest area where border controls were reinstated, two weapons were taken by federal law enforcement officers.

May 17, 2024
1 min read
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The town of Görlitz - Authorities confiscate firearms during boundary checks.

By noon, cops came across a Ukrainian fellow, aged 35, sporting an irritant spray tool without the mandated test stamp in his car's driver's compartment. Such irritant devices have to be tested and marked to comply with the regulations, and he's now in some legal hot water under the Weapons Act. To cover the costs of the legal proceedings, they slapped him with a 200-euro security deposit.

In the evening, officers stumble upon a telescopic baton with a 34-year-old Ukrainian. The coppers confiscated the baton, and he'll soon be facing a fine for breaching the Weapons Act.

This information is officially released by the authorities and courtesy of AI assistance.

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