
Authorities apprehend youths for stealing a handbag.

On Thursday (16.05.2024), a handbag was possibly taken in Hafenstraße. Three out of the four suspects were traced by the authorities.

May 17, 2024
1 min read
NewsWedelKI-OTSTheftHamburg regional newsCrimeRegionalPolice
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Wedel is the subject of the statement. - Authorities apprehend youths for stealing a handbag.

Around 11:00 a.m., someone spotted four young individuals in Elbpark carrying what seemed to be a stolen handbag. They promptly alerted the cops. They were able to quickly track down three of the suspects, aged 15, 16, and 17, using the descriptions they provided.

The suspects were also found with the allegedly stolen bag, which contained an ID card belonging to an 83-year-old woman from Wedel. Unfortunately, the elderly woman couldn't offer any useful information regarding the crime. No other stolen items have been reported.

The investigators in Pinneberg are now in charge of the case, and are hoping to gather more details about the crime and the identity of the fourth suspect – a young man whose description has not been released.

Any witnesses who may have seen a group of teenagers in Hafenstraße, in the area between the local retirement home and the Fährhaus an der Elbe, or who noticed them fleeing, are encouraged to reach out to the police at 04101-202-0.

This account is based on information from official sources and was generated with AI assistance.

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