
An older woman, aged 76, is struck by a bus.

A bus struck and hurt a 76-year-old lady in the afternoon of yesterday in Lankwitz.

May 14, 2024
1 min read
NewsAccidentsKI-OTSBerlin regional newsBerlinPolice
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An elderly woman was strolling down Siemensstraße around 3:20 p.m. when, as per eyewitnesses, she ventured onto the road near the Gärtnerstraße stop that had been temporarily shifted due to ongoing construction. The driver of a car managed to stop before hitting her, but the driver of a BVG bus on route 186 couldn't avoid a crash even with emergency brakes.

Following immediate medical attention at the crash site, the 76-year-old victim was moved to the hospital for intensive care due to head trauma. A specialized police department for traffic accident violations under the Police Directorate 4 (South) is now conducting a thorough investigation.

This account is a reworded version of information released by the authorities and generated in collaboration with AI. 1

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