German Federal States

After the demise of the hunter, events unfold.

The beloved quiz show "Gefragt - Gejagt" star Klaus Otto Nagorsnik passed away unexpectedly at the age of 68 in April. For almost a decade, he showcased his impressive knowledge on the ARD program, standing out not only in the German quiz scene but also among viewers.

May 16, 2024
2 min read
NewsQuiz showARDDeathSEO entertainmentBommes AlexanderTV showsPeople
Died unexpectedly in April: Klaus Otto Nagorsnik was one of the "hunters" on the quiz show "Gefragt...
Died unexpectedly in April: Klaus Otto Nagorsnik was one of the "hunters" on the quiz show "Gefragt - Gejagt" for ten years


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"Sought After and Pursued" - After the demise of the hunter, events unfold.

ARD will unveil what lies ahead following the passing of Hausmeister and if the role of the so-called "librarian" would be filled.

"No successor in the works"

Newsflash: Hausmeister was found to have passed away during a production schedule, as disclosed by the quiz host Alexander Bommes (48). The tenth season of the beloved quiz program "Gefragt - Gejagt" was underway in Hamburg. On the NDR Talk Show, Bommes stated: "Klaus Otto suddenly disappeared from the hotel in the evening and would have been present the following day." The quiz squad only had four days remaining for filming, but continued regardless. "This was quite harsh," reveals Bommes.

Showcasing him posthumously

He was rarely defeated: Quiz presenter Alexander Bommes (l.) and

Klaus Otto Hausmeister played a significant role right from the start! He astounded millions of television viewers with his impressive knowledge as one of the "hunters." Next year, the renowned show, which quickly flourished into a ratings magnet, is set to mark its tenth anniversary on ARD.

Prior to this announcement, it had yet to be clarified whether a new hunter would assume his place. However, those responsible have now made their intentions known with regards to the fate of the program after the current season. ARD stated on t-online: "Klaus Otto Hausmeister will forever remain a beloved figure within the 'Gefragt - Gejagt' family and cannot be replaced. No successor is in the works."

A slight hint of sadness: Hausmeister will continue to grace our screens for a handful of weeks more! This is due to the fact that he was already featured in the upcoming "Gefragt - Gejagt" season, which began May 13.

2018: Klaus Otto Nagorsnik (l.) and

Tribute show prepared for primetime

ARD has implemented this course of action to "honor" Hausmeister. "Gefragt - Gejagt" was always a pivotal part of his life."

Furthermore, the broadcaster is scheduling a tribute in honor of Klaus Otto Hausmeister as part of the program in the near future. According to ARD, the tribute will take place in the prime-time program "Gefragt - Gejagt Quizmarathon" (July 27, 8.15 p.m.).

"In this episode, we will pay our respects as the 'Gefragt - Gejagt' family and showcase a thorough obituary," the ARD officials told t-online.

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