
Adolescents fail to gain entry into a home.

On the morning of April 8, 2024, burglars tried to break into a house on Ottostrasse, but they couldn't manage to enter the property.

May 10, 2024
1 min read
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Segeberg Experiencing Difficulties - Adolescents fail to gain entry into a home.

In the police chase, a police dog was called in to assist. Two suspects, aged 14 and 17, were caught near the crime scene. During their attempt to flee and resist, one of them was bitten by the police dog, while the other fell from a roof onto a garage roof. They're now under arrest temporarily and waiting for questioning at the Itzehoe public prosecutor's office.

The Pinneberg criminal department has opened a case and wants anyone who might know about the crime or spotted anything odd near the crime scene to contact them at 04101-202-0 or email [email protected].

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