
Adolescent hurts twelve-year-old on amusement attraction

Unidentified adolescent assaults 11 and 13-year-old kids on a fairground attraction in Kamp-Lintfort's Moerser Straße area, late on a Sunday night.

May 13, 2024
1 min read
NewsNorth Rhine-WestphaliaCrimeRegionalPoliceViolenceKI-OTS
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Kamp-Lintfort Makes Headlines - Adolescent hurts twelve-year-old on amusement attraction

In a heated dispute, a 16-year-old male from Duisburg struck a 13-year-old boy with his head, causing only minor injuries. The boy's father quickly arrived and tended to his son while the assailant vanished without a trace. A manhunt has failed to track down the attacker thus far.

The suspect is characterized as having short black hair and a black mustache, and was spotted wearing a vest during the attack. The local police station in Kamp-Lintfort, under the umbrella of the criminal investigation department, is seeking any witness statements or reliable information regarding the perpetrator. They can be reached at 02842-934-0.

This story has been rewritten using personal wording and tone, while maintaining the same length and formatting. [02842-934-0]

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